She makes her entrance onto the Grand Stage of my life,

Full of elegance, grace and poise.

Brilliantly captivating the audience that looks on in awestruck wonder,

These archetypal figures enshrouded by the dark of the theater.

She speaks with a voice that even the angels envy,

Full of strength, nourishment and power.

Her smile penetrates even the coldest and most calloused of hearts.

Her eyes pierce through the soul like a surgeon’s scalpel,

Carefully peeling back layers of pain and remorse,

Bringing to light all that has lain dormant for ages.

The inner Critic searches the collective consciousness of humanity,

Scouring through the record of tongues,

Searching for what can adequately describe the beauty he has beheld

Only to find that there is none that exist,

Realizing that if he were to find such a word it would lose all its
meaning in an instant,

Because she is wholly beyond description.

Ineffable and Indescribable; there are none to compare her with.

The world seems to stop turning and time stands still as she glances
in my direction.

A magic spell of the highest degree, she causes everything and
everyone to disappear.

Losing myself in the reflection from her eyes.

There is no place I’d rather be – no greater hope or desire with which
one can strive to attain.

I may ascend to the highest of heights or dive to the deepest of depths –

I could understand all the profound mysteries of the universe or
discern the hearts of man,

The Earth could yield forth all of her gold, silver and precious gems,

Potentates and kings could lay down their crowns at my feet,

Ye, even If God himself offered to surrender His throne and bestowed
upon me all the power of Heaven.

None of those things would even come close to the joy and completion I
find in her arms,

In the feeling of her warm breath upon my neck,

Her soft hand resting gingerly in mine,

The shelter and solace of the sanctuary of her heart.

Men search the globe looking for treasures,

They travel far and wide hoping to find fabled lands of mystery and intrigue,

Still there is something that is truly priceless – elusive and far more rare.

Such a quest would be the noblest of causes, only for the most
courageous and determined,

There are no hidden maps – no charted territory or signposts to guide
you along the way,

You could spend your entire life looking and may very well die trying
to find it.

But blessed is he who is diligent enough to never stop looking,

A long and joyous life is his reward,

For he has found the greatest treasure of them all,

Her love.

By C. M. Marquez 

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