There’s certain times in my life where things feel more clear than normal. In these moments of clarity one realization that keeps coming back to me is that every single other person we come in contact with has something to give to us and we in turn have something for them.

Think of it like some sort of cosmic scavenger hunt or like a mystical sort of p2p file sharing program. When we are truly open and connecting/communicating with someone with our hearts and minds receptive, when we truly listen with a sincere intent to learn and retain what we are hearing, then there is a transfer that takes place. Much like a download/upload process on a computer.

Whatever it may be, we might not even be consciously aware of what it is, it could be a word, a song, a smile, a joke shared; it doesn’t matter what it is. But it is a piece to the shattered puzzle that is our conscious evolution of our self. This sounds like a lot of highfalutin words but just imagine for a second that on a different level this whole life is just putting together a massive puzzle.

Little by little we are seeing the bigger picture. But the problem that lies before us is that we often stay oblivious to the fact that even people we dont like have something that we need to gain and we have something to give them. Its so so so easy for us to allow our prejudices, our preconceived notions and our own negative experiences to cloud our perception of others and we become blocked off. You can look around and see how we are being forced to block others off and alienate them.

It sounds altruistic and maybe bullshit but there’s something here. Maybe you can figure it out.

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